Posts Tagged With: Japan

Tony’s Travels- AAC 2012

October of 2012, Boot Size 12

…. Oh, no, I don’t have an explanation for my absence  Take any combination of life, college, and been out traveling and that’s pretty much. If you want to know more about the everyday events of my life, I have a Facebook page and an Instagram (vivianaayre). It’s easier to be active there.  Anyways, on with the story!

Not long ago, Tony and I ventured up to New Hampshire to attend Another Anime Convention 2012 to have a truly nerdy time. During our time there, Tony met some pretty awesome people, and saw some cool cosplays.

First he chilled with some Narutards and one adorable little Kayleigh (from Firefly) cosplayer.

Then he helped out Misa on Wheels, New Englands favorite cosplayer on wheels, with her wheelchair. For some reason she wouldn’t let him install rockets. 

Check out Misa on Wheel‘s Facebook page! She’s an inspiration for all

Next was a trip to a Brentalfloss concert

Next Tony demanded to see some lady cosplayers. The pervert!

After harassing the ladies, security decided to have a word with him… but Tony has that kind of charm that just draws you in.

Overall both Tony and I had a blast with all nerds, sharing our love for anime and and good times with the rest of New England.

Until our Next Adventure,

Viviana Ayre and Tony

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Attack of the Tweeners

October of 2012, Boot Size 10

My Dear Readers,

So as I had told you guys, I attended CampAnime as a performer a few weeks back. It took me a long… long, long while before I had the time to post about it (college is fun!) but here I am now, keyboard and candy at my disposal!

Now of course I have to state outright that I cannot reveal everything about my adventure, due to the fact that I work for Steam-Funk Studios, and I have to be quiet about company secrets and obviously I have to be polite about my experiences. Aside from that, I intend to dish about different aspects of attending a new con.

There’s the big thing about adorable little CampAnime. Honestly it is a brilliant idea: put a convention on a nice campground and increase the number of possible activities. The only downside to attending the con this year was it was a first time con with a first time con-head (the person who is essentially the boss of the convention). First time cons never run smoothly because let’s face it, it is the first time and they haven’t figured out what could go wrong yet. So a lot of this con was spent figuring out what can go right and what can go wrong. Such as crashing computers!

Three… crashed… computers… containing the registration lists. Which you need to get your pass and entry into your convention. Oh boy. I ended up spending an hour sitting around being ignored because I was a performer and not a casual attendee. So I waited for my boss to arrive and make some magic.

Overall opinion of the con given that it was a first time convention? It was very peaceful and relaxing, with a lot of fun activities to participate it such as archery and swimming. The panels were lacking, considering the company I work for had to cancel 2/3’s of our panels due to a lack of attendance. No, we don’t suck… We’re actually kinda funny! But sadly our panels were more on the informational and intelligent humor side of the panel world, and the highest population of the convention (tweeners) usually aren’t interested in learning how to be awesome and build nifty things quite at that point in life.

I was a tweener once, so I’m not knocking them. It is very common to see tweeners nowadays in the anime world. I call them tweeners, but they have another term: weebawoos. So that I don’t have to go into a long winded explanation as to what a weebawoo/tweener is, I have this lovely picture that I found on the delightful internet:

I like to believe that I belong in the first category which is an otaku. I love nerdy things; I am definitely proud of it, and it consumes a decent chunk of my conversations. But I also allow myself to have interests outside of my nerddom, instead of rejecting anything not related to anime, Doctor Who, or video games. Why else would I have a travel blog laced with my love for the geek?

Anyways, this convention consisted of mostly tweeners. They were more enthused by the physical activities like swimming, archery, water balloon battles, and some event involving watermelons. So thankfully this convention was spent relaxing and getting to know some of my coworkers and getting my character figured out, which was well needed since I didn’t know I was to be a performer until about a week before the convention.

So unfortunately I don’t have many wild and crazy stories that I can reveal to you guys since I spent most of it plotting a character and chatting, but I’ll show you a few picture highlights! As a note some of these photos are by Eric LaCore photography, which I have noted with each picture. Seriously, check them out they have awesome shots:

Me on Friday night doing some flagwork.
This picture was not taken by me but by Eric LaCore Photography. Check them out on Facebook!

My coworker and new friend Tony dressed up loosely as Rainbow Dash

Our cameraman, Louis!

Two awesome rings I bought at the event. ^_^

My more obvious steampunk outfit for the con
Again, credit goes to Eric LaCore photography! They’re awesome

My professionally taken picture of my Chinese dress
This photo was not taken by me, but again by Eric LaCore Photography

My boss, regaling us of his tales!

Overall it was a pretty good, relaxing weekend where we focused more on comradeship than on attending events.

Until my next adventure,

Viviana Ayre

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It’s Getting Closer!

August of 2012, Boot Size 10

My Dear Readers,

So it is now only a few hours away from being a week until my adventure at Camp Anime begins. My new costume (properly known as a cosplay) has arrived, and I’m super excited. Granted, I have a feeling this trip is going to be very busy considering I’ve discovered that the company I’m interning as a videographer for is running about 50-70% of the panels.

….. Oh Boy I’m going to be busy.

Other possible complications that I won’t mention will also be difficult and I might have to enter an element I’m not sure I’m comfortable with. But hey, you only live once right?

I feel like the term YOLO is a good mentality in its core… but is severely misused. It’s sad really, because it can be such a good phrase to live by when you travel. New food? Try it! Because you only live once. And now that I have gotten my opinion on YOLO out, I can continue my thoughts on Camp Anime.

I’ll be taking off Friday morning to head off to Connecticut, sadly by myself, but I’ll be meeting up with the people I work for. It’s not going to be a super long drive, but I won’t lie, long drives alone are rather brain draining. Having no one to talk to and share the driving experience with is kind of a bummer, but hey, you take what you can take!

I’ll be staying in Connecticut from Friday until Sunday before I head back home to a work meeting that night (lucky timing, neh?). During that time I’ll be running from panels to panel, taking video, taking pictures, and dressing up in cosplay. The nerdlet in me is screaming in excitement, and I’ll be honest with you guys that my fingers are trembling as I type this.

Current events wise, I started college this week! A light load this semester with only three classes and only going to school Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday will help me immensely. Hopefully I’ll be able to bang out some more travel posts for you guys, because I have regained access to my fountain of pictures, and I’ve been getting a few ideas. Alas, ridiculous hours have kept me from my keyboard. But my workload has been lightened with college, so I’ll hopefully have some more time to write. I swear I have a few drafts brewing, but nothing solid quite yet that I’m going to be releasing to you guys quite yet. Until then I’ll be working hard for you guys!

Until my adventure begins next weekend!

Viviana Ayre

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My New Traveling Companion

June of 2012, Boot Size 10

My dear readers,

When my sister traveled independently for the first time, she had a little pink bunny oh-so-cleverly named… Pink Bunny. I’m sure it had another name, but I have no recollection as to what it was. When I went out of the country (aside from Canada) for the first time it was to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. And when I went, my sister lent me Pink Bunny to take with me and snap silly pictures with.


When I went to Japan, I want to start my own trend. My uncle and I had been exploring the streets of Portsmouth and we found a little wind up robot that was absolutely adorable. I named him KillRoy (if you know the reference, you get a cookie!). He was fun, but unfortunately Japan seemed too much for him, and he short circuited into retirement.

While scrolling around the travel section of WordPress, I stumbled upon the blog Meandering Around, which stars a stuffed purple hippo going on adventures. This reminded me of Pink Bunny and KillRoy and suddenly I was struck… I no longer have a travel companion. And that’s no fun.

So it got me thinking… Who could be my new travel companion? I kinda wanted to keep with the robot theme I had going for myself. Plus I’d love to incorporate my geekiness into it, considering I’m incredibly proud of my geek aspect; comic books, manga, anime… Almost everything nerd appeals to me.

That’s when I was reminded of a small buddy of mine. He’s not quite a robot, but he’s powered by a robot! He’s a hero who has saved millions of lives and jobs! Sure he’s a bit a player… and likes booze a little too much… But hey, everyone needs a vice!

Plus he’s played by Robert Downey Junior, the sexiest man alive.

Yeah, my travel buddy is going to be Iron Man Mark IV. Though since Iron Man Mark IV is way too long to type, I’m just gonna call him Tony. He is adorable.

If you hadn’t figured it out, I’m a giant Iron Man fan. I’m overly obsessed to the point where it might not be healthy. Anything Iron Man themed, I gotta have, to the point where I do spend the ludicrous amounts of money on the delicious Hot Toys that they put out for Iron Man. Plus I have as many articles of Iron Man clothing as possible.

It only makes sense that Tony will be my travel companion. He’s strong, reliable, and one of the best superheroes ever. So he will now accompany me on every adventure I take, whether in country or out of country.

Until my Next Adventure,

Viviana Ayre

Categories: Fresh Prints, Japan, Past Tides, South Pacific | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Japanese Delicacies

July of 2007, Boot Size 10/11

Konichiwa, watashi no namae wa Viviana Ayre.

Yes, I am a Japan nutter. Ever since I learned to hold a pair of chopsticks I have loved everything about Japan. The food, the culture, the fashion, and who can forget the television  shows?! My love for Japan is probably the largest aspect of my nerd-dom, challenged only by my steampunk tendencies. So you can imagine my excitement when I was invited to be a student ambassador to Japan for a whole two weeks. I am being one hundred percent serious when I say I shook the house with my excitement.

My journey to Japan is to this day my favorite journey into the unknown. I grew mentally, emotionally, and in age (I spent my birthday partying it up in Tokyo). Yes, I’d watched more anime and read more manga than you could shake a stick at, but I am not one of the anime-freaks who think that if they just read Naruto they know exactly what Japan is like. No, I’ve been studying the culture and history since middle school, and I find their “alien way” of thinking one of the most fascinating aspects of human nature.

But, I digress. There was one aspect of this journey I know I would have a smaaaaaall issue with: the food. What is the main staple for the Japanese? That’s right, rice. But not far under that is fish.

I am not fond of fish.

I have no problem with the creatures themselves. They are wonderful for our environment and I love reef fish. But I personally do not look at a salmon and say “Yum!” It was not by choice; honestly I am all about health and since fish is good for you I actually am sad that I dislike devouring our fish-y friends. I’ve tried salmon, white fish, non-white fish, raw, cooked, and with different cooking methods. With my taste bud changing cycle, today I can have salmon once in a while and actually be satisfied orally. But back then, I still did not like fish. At all.

Now I knew this small dilemma in advance, and I was very nervous about it. I am hypoglycemic, and must eat a lot otherwise I get very shaky and often times get really cranky. To give you an idea of how extreme my needs are, I have to eat about every two hours unless I spend all day lazing around in bed. Needless to say I was a little worried about having to eat fish every day… and thus eating very little.

Thankfully this problem did not occur. I was actually surprised to find that we rarely HAD fish. Instead I was assaulted by different snacks, goodies, and traditional foods that in no way had to do with fish. But by far my favorite food was okanamiyaki.

For those of you who do not know, okonomiyaki is a popular and traditional meal commonly found in Hiroshima, Japan. It translates roughly to “pizza-pancake.”

Yep. Pizza. Pancake.

When I heard that we were going to be feasting on a pizza pancake I was intrigued and excited.  Our tour bus pulled up to a restaurant called “Three Three Three.”

Looks better in Japanese than how the translation sounds, neh?

After exiting our tour bus, we were taken in to see what I’d only seen in anime and manga. Our table consisted of a giant grill with a thin, half-foot-wide wooden platform to eat on. And on two plates were a giant mound of cabbage, pasta, and three strips of thick, delicious looking bacon. A small bowl contained what  looked and smelled like pancake batter.

What was I getting myself into?

After seating ourselves, it was time to learn how to cook our own meal. It’s quite simple, and I will share with you the basics in making okonomiyaki.
First, spread out a circular, thin amount of pancake batter and let it cook. Easy enough, neh?

Once the pancake flour base is cooked solid enough, add your massive mound of cabbage. On top is a drizzling of okonomiyaki sauce, which I won’t lie…. I had to go online to find out what was actually in it. The interwebs informed me that is is like a thicker, sweeter Worchester sauce (online recipes say you can make a homemade recipe, listed at the end of this post) All I knew at the time was that it delicious. (Tell us what’s in the sauce? I for one am curious xD) Then add the three pieces of bacon and a thin spread of the pancake batter drizzled on top. Cooking commences (okay well the batter was already cooking) as you take up your handy dandy flippers- which look like chisels- and flip the entire pile of delish over.

Flipped pizza-pancake 🙂

Once your bacon is cooking, it’s time for the noodles that you see in the video.  Merely slap those onto the grill, and you’re good to go.  After a few minutes, the meat and vegetable should be cooked, so use your spatulas to move it onto the noodles to make it easier to flip so it is facing right side up. Once the pile is moved, it’s egg frying time. Crack the egg, break the yolk, and let it cook.

When the egg is done cooking, shift the batter, cabbage, bacon, and pasta onto the egg, and flip the entire mass over so the egg is on top. Drizzle as much okonomayaki sauce as desired, slice into pieces with the spatula, and enjoy.

❤ The finished, delicious product ❤

Overall? Okonomiyaki is delicious even if you, like me, hate cabbage. The oddest assortment of ingredients has been transformed into a savory meal that is wholly Japanese.

Me. Eating the most delicious meal I had in Japan

Oh my goodness, this food was delicious. ❤

To clarify, what I had was Hiroshima’s okonomiyaki. There is another kind that is found in Osaka, which has similar ingredients but it is mixed together before being grilled, while mine is layered. This just means I need to return to Japan and try Osaka okonomiyaki.

Lesson of the story? Even if there is an ingredient or food that makes you nervous, always be willing to try something new. Especially when  you are in a completely new culture.

Until my next adventure,
Viviana Ayre
Homemade Okonomiyaki Sauce
Please note that I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this recipe that I magically produced from the internet, since I have not had the chance to try it for myself.
1/4 cup ketchup
1 1/2 Tbsp. worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp. dijon mustard
2 Tbsp. rice wine
1 tsp. soy sauce</>
Combine ingredients and cook in a pot/pan until warm and bubbly. 🙂

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